Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our intern is an idiot

So, we have an intern. Neither one of us likes her very much (though to be fair Leighann actually hates her while she just sort of annoys me). Mostly this is because she is extremely, extremely socially awkward, not in the fun way like just about all of the creepos I am friends with, but in the way that she just cannot interact. It's sort of like "hey, intern, how was your weekend? Do anything fun?" "*pause, blank look* um, I'm gonna do some filing" She just will not talk about anything other than work. At all. EVER.
And yet, for all her obsession with this crappy ass job, she still kind of sucks at it. Case in point, I jsut opened a file in which she had been working and was allegedly making useful notes in. I looked at said notes, and they all, ALL said such things as "same teacher from like 52 and 107" "sent with package from like 32". This would be fine, except that LINES IN EXCEL FILES ARE NOT FIXED. They change anytime you do a sort, add a case, ect. I have no idea when she made these notes, how many cases were in the file at the time, or how she had it sorted. Basically, these notes, which I actually needed, are now about as useful as this blog.

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